enrolling at wca
school visit
We encourage all parents to schedule a tour of the school. During your visit, you will experience our advanced educational programs, our amazing staff, and learn more about the Christ-centered growth Wilmington Christian Academy offers your child. Please click below or give us a call at (937) 283-6683 to schedule your visit.

Tuition & Fees:
Application Fee: There is a $50 (non-refundable/non-transferable) registration fee for all students. The registration fee is $100 for applications submitted after April 30. Payment is required upon submission of the application.
Academic Fees: $50
Tuition Fees: Full-Day Kindergarten through 8th grade is $6,716 per student & 9th through 12th grade is $8,958 per student.
Paying Tuition: Wilmington Christian works hard to keep tuition affordable. WCA uses FACTS Tuition Management pay system for monthly tuition payments. Read more about FACTS Tuition Pay here.
Financial Aid: For information on scholarships and financial aid, visit:​
Ed Choice -The Ohio Department of Education provides income-based scholarships for Kindergarten through 12th grade. Visit the ODE site for Scholarship Information.
High School Options for Home School Students:
$523 for Semester Course
$1046 for Year Long Course​
Our current 2024-2025 student enrollment is 337
uniform information
Uniform Policy:
The Wilmington Christian Academy dress code seeks to achieve a relaxed but neat appearance for our students to free them from fashion trends and peer pressure. Dress code infractions will result in a policy reminder for K-12 students for first offense. If infractions continue, the teacher will make a phone call home to discuss with the parent. After a parent/teacher phone call, if the infractions continue, the student will not be permitted to return to school until proper uniform attire is worn. Office staff MAY call home if the attire needs changed immediately. A parent may be asked to bring approved clothing to the Academy’s office. Proper attire is required before a student may rejoin his/her class. Teachers are responsible to enforce the WCA dress code through the school’s disciplinary procedures.
Clothing Guidelines:
All clothing shall be neat, clean, appropriate, and in good repair. No holes, rips, tears or frayed fringes. Clothing must not be too tight or too short as per Administrator’s discretion. Appropriate Logos are permitted on the pocket area of a shirt provided it is no larger than the size of a credit card. No visible tattoos or body piercings, except for girl’s earrings.

Girls Dress Code:
Foundational Garments: Solid navy, black, gray, or khaki slacks without cargo pockets or embroidery. No skin tight pants. Undergarments should not be visible. Belts are to be worn when needed. Walking shorts may be worn year round at the discretion of parents- same colors and styles as above, must be fingertip length or longer. Girls may wear solid colored black, navy, gray, or khaki dresses, jumpers, skirts, skorts must be fingertip length or longer. Leggings/Jeggings are not pants/slacks, and may ONLY be worn under a skirt/dress.
Socks/Tights: Tights must be a solid color. Socks may be solid or appropriate patterned
Shirts: Solid color polo with a collar, oxford, or turtleneck shirt. Shirts with logos are permitted, but the logo must be no bigger than the size of a credit card. WCA logos are permitted on shirts. Shirts must have an even hem and meet specified length criteria: no longer than hip but yet long enough that stomach area is not exposed when arms are raised.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts: Solid color or WCA logo wear sweaters and sweatshirts (hoods must be worn off head), may be worn over the above mentioned shirts. Appropriate Logos other than WCA must be no larger than the size of a credit card
6-12th grades: No T-shirts permitted except during gym class or special days approved by the administration.
Hats: Hats or caps are to be worn outside the building only.
Shoes: Shoes must cover the foot. Athletic shoes, dress shoes or boots are acceptable. Sandals are permitted. Flip-flops are NOT permitted. Athletic shoes are required for PE class.
Jewelry: Jewelry is to be modest in nature, nothing that would be a distraction to other students. Ear piercing allowed for the ladies only - no other body piercing is allowed.
Hair: Neatness, grooming and proper hair care receive the same attention as student dress at Wilmington Christian Academy. Hair shall be neat, clean, and well groomed. Extreme styles are not permitted such as unnatural coloring (blue, green, etc.. )

Boys Dress Code:
Foundational Garments: Solid navy, black, gray, or khaki slacks without cargo pockets or embroidery. No skin tight pants. Undergarments should not be visible. Belts are to be worn when needed. Walking shorts may be worn year round at the discretion of parents- same colors and styles as above.
Shirts: K-12th grades: Solid color polo with a collar, oxford, or turtleneck shirt. Appropriate Logos are permitted, but the logo must be no bigger than the size of a credit card. WCA logos are permitted on shirts. Shirts must have an even hem and meet specified length criteria: no longer than hip but yet long enough that stomach area is not exposed when arms are raised.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts: Solid color or WCA logo wear sweaters and sweatshirts (hoods must be worn off head), may be worn over the above mentioned shirt. Appropriate logos are permitted, but the logo must be no bigger than the size of a credit card. Any WCA logos are permitted on shirts.
6-12th grades: No T-shirts permitted except during gym class or special days approved by the administration.
Hats: Hats or caps are to be worn outside the building only
Shoes: Shoes must cover the foot. Athletic shoes, dress shoes or boots are acceptable. Sandals are permitted as long as they wrap around the heel. Shower shoes and flip-flops are NOT permitted. Jewelry: Jewelry is to be modest in nature, nothing that would be a distraction to other students.
Hair: Neatness, grooming and proper hair care receive the same attention as student dress at Wilmington Christian Academy. Hair shall be neat, clean, and well groomed. Extreme styles are not permitted such as unnatural coloring (blue, green, etc.. )
No piercings are permitted for male students.
Download our quick guide to the dress code